Ready to kill it on your next math or science exam, by creating study notes you’ll actually use?

(Because it’s time to stop furiously flipping through your course notes, and start studying STRATEGICALLY...)

Would you LOVE to ditch the study stress, and get handed the roadmap to creating math and science study notes you’ll actually use?
Then, you’re in the right place! Because the Study Notes Templates will help you do just that.

It will walk you through a step-by-step breakdown of the EXACT process I use to create study notes that have helped me score 80% or higher on math and science exams while studying just 2-3 hours a day for 3-5 days before the exam.

Plus it gives you plug-n-play templates for each step with sections for formulas, key concepts, examples, and more so you’ll never leave anything important off your study notes again.
You’ve probably seen other students’ awesome study notes but feel there’s no way you could create study notes like that, and besides, it’s probably not worth your time. Right?

You're thinking...

I’ll just reread my class notes, it’s faster and I’ll get more studying done

I don’t need study notes for my exam, my teacher is giving us a review package

Creating study notes is a waste of time, I’m just rewriting everything

The reality...

You fall asleep halfway through rereading your notes

Most exam packages only have practice questions, meanwhile, it takes you forever to find the “how to solve this type of question” section in your class notes

Rewriting your learning in your own words help you retain it

Creating study notes can seem totally overwhelming, I know.
...especially when you’re staring at a class notebook full of concepts, formulas, definitions, and processes that you learnt over the course of the year.

You know that your study notes should be the best resource you have to perform well on your exam.

But most students don't know how to create study notes that are actually valuable, without spending hours creating them from scratch (or they spend too much time getting the perfect formatting...)

So they either don't bother creating study notes at all OR they waste precious time creating mediocre study notes that don't get them the results they were hoping for.

Truth is: organization is the key to GREAT study notes, and creating your own study notes is one of the most effective way to actually RETAIN the content you've learned.
That’s why my Study Notes Templates have a step-by-step process, a variety of easy to use templates, AND examples so you can more than halve the time it takes, maximize your study benefits, and never start from scratch.
The Study Notes

For math and science students who want to kill it on their next exam by creating epic study notes they’ll actually use.
Here's exactly what you get:

The Process

A step-by-step breakdown of the EXACT process I use to create study notes that have helped me score 80% or higher on math and science exams while studying just 2-3 hours a day for 3-5 days before the exam.

The Templates

My time-saving, pre-formatted, keep-it-organized templates for each step in the process, that you can use again and again, no matter what math or science course you’re taking and no matter what grade or year you’re in.

*Google Docs version coming Fall 2023

The Examples

An example of what each template might look like filled in, so you can skip the “staring at a blank page” part of the process.
Did you know that the process of creating your study notes helps you retain information better than using them?
Yup, creating study notes counts as study time!

The template pack will show you how to create high-quality study notes ASAP.

You’ll get a step-by-step guide and a variety of plug-n-play templates to uplevel your study notes and improve your retention!
Hi there! I'm Natasha.
Certified math teacher, resource queen, and breaker of the “cookie-cutter” education model.

Basically, I’m the quirky math nerd whose teaching expertise and innovative thinking help my students ditch the overwhelm and build confidence in a way that’s as unique as they are.

After 10 years as a tutor, I know that creating good study notes for math and science courses is a challenge for most students. I truly want you to get the benefits that come from creating your own study notes and I firmly believe the process should be as simple as 1, 2, 3.
Wanna kill it on your next exam with study notes you'll actually use?
Still wondering if this is right for you?
The Study Notes Templates are perfect for...

  • high school and post-secondary

  • math or science students

...who want to improve their study notes game with a fuss-free repeatable process that they can adapt to suit their specific course.

You've got questions, I've got answers...
  • Who are the Study Notes Templates for?
    The templates were created for high school and post-secondary math and science students.
  • How long will this take?
    You can work through the process and fill out the templates in 3ish hours, but of course, the more detailed you are with your notes the longer it will take. My suggestion is to plan to give yourself 1 hour to go through the process guide and at least 4 hours to use the templates - especially if you’re brand new to creating study notes.
  • I don’t have a lot of time, will this work for me?
    If your test is tomorrow - NO. Otherwise, reading the guide and filling in the templates actually replaces some of your studying and you’ll retain more of what you learned too!
  • Can’t I just get this information online for free?
    I’m sure you can find lots of blog post guides and templates out there and if you’ve found one already that’s working for you - keep using it! But, if you haven’t found anything, searching free content takes time and chances are if you’re here it means you need this NOW. This template pack is my complete process that I use for myself and my clients so I know it works.
  • How can I use the templates?
    For information on your rights to use the templates, please see the Terms & Conditions for Digital Products section on my website.
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Study Notes TemplatesLearn my step-by-step super simple process for creating organized and easy-to-use study notes for every unit in your math course.$27

What's Included?
I've compiled my entire process into a step-by-step guide AND created handy templates for each step with sections for formulas, key concepts, examples, and more, so you’ll never leave anything important off your study notes again!

The Process:
A step-by-step breakdown of the EXACT process I use to create study notes that have helped me score 80% or higher on math and science exams while studying just 2-3 hours a day for 3-5 days before the exam.

The Templates:
My time-saving, pre-formatted, keep-it-organized templates for each step in the process, that you can use again and again, no matter what math or science course you’re taking and no matter what grade or year you’re in.
**Google Docs version coming Fall 2023**

The Examples:
An example of what each template might look like filled in, so you can skip the “staring at a blank page” part of the process.
  • Total payment
  • 1xStudy Notes Templates$27

All prices in CAD